Bryan-Kinns, N., Zhang, B., Zhao, S., & Banar, B. (2024). Exploring Variational Auto-encoder Architectures, Configurations, and Datasets for Generative Music Explainable AI. Machine Intelligence Research. 21, 29-45. DOI:10.1007/s11633-023-1457-1 {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Liu, Y., Zhang, D., Tan, Z., & Tan, H. (2024). The role of digital technologies in contemporary craft practice from UK–China insights. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 11(1), 75-93. DOI:10.1386/jcca_00093_1 {PDF}
You, X., Huang, Y., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024) Responsible research and innovation: Opportunities and challenges for UK-China collaboration in the creative industries. Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 68-89. {PDF}
Dong, H., Bakhshi, H., Brooker, D., Bryan-Kinns, N., Huang, Y., Wang, J., You, X., & Ning, W. (2024). Creative industries research and innovation: Views from the United Kingdom and China regarding a future hub. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 11(1), 95-105. DOI:10.1386/jcca_00098_7 {PDF}
Fang, Y., Lu, J., Bryan-Kinns, N., Ou, J., Lu, P., & Wang, H. (2024). Vibrotactile Warnings Design for Improving Risks Awareness in Construction Environment. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–23. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2359742 {PDF}
Kudebayeva, A., Harte, C., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2024). To Abstract or Not to Abstract? A Comparative Study Evaluating the User Experience of Spreadsheet Programming with Sheet-Defined Functional Abstractions. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2361209 {PDF}
Nonnis, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024). 2024. Unmasking the Power of Play Through TUI Designs. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (February 2024). {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024). Reflections on Explainable AI for the Arts (XAIXARTS). ACM Interactions. XXXI.1, 43. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Zhang, B., Zhao, S., and Banar, B. (2024). Exploring Variational Auto-encoder Architectures, Configurations, and Datasets for Generative Music Explainable AI. Machine Intelligence Research, 21, 29–45. DOI: {PDF}
Robson, N., McPherson, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). On mediating space, sound and experience: interviews with situated sound art practitioners. Organised Sound, 28, 1. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Wang, W., Ji, T. (2022). Qi2He: A co-design framework inspired by eastern epistemology. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 160. {PDF}
Wu, Y., Bryan-Kinns, N. & Zhi, J. (2022). Exploring visual stimuli as a support for novices’ creative engagement with digital musical interfaces. Journal on Multimodal User {PDF}
Nonnis, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021). Olly: a tangible for togetherness. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 153. DOI: {PDF}
张朵朵, 布莱恩金斯尼克. (2021). 数字化平台助力手工艺非遗传承的中英案例研究. 中国非物质文化遗产. Zhang, D., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021). Digital platforms for craft: A case study of UK and Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage in the digital era. China Intangible Cultural Heritage. {web}
李子晋,布莱恩金斯尼克.跨文化共创设计:数字技术重塑中国传统乐器[J].人民音乐,2021(07):55-60. LI, Z., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021). Cross-cultural Co-Creation Design: ReImagining a Chinese Traditional Musical Instrument with Digital Technologies. People's Music (7):55-60. {PDF} {web}
Pan, J., Dong, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021). Perception and Initial Adoption of Mobile Health Services of Older Adults in London: Mixed Methods Investigation. JMIR Aging 4(4):e30420. DOI: 10.2196/30420 {PDF}
Jing, C., Bryan-Kinns, N., Yang, S., Zhi, J., & Zhang, J. (2021). The influence of mobile phone location and screen orientation on driving safety and the usability of car-sharing software in-car use. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 84, 103168, ISSN 0169-8141, DOI: {pdf}
Men, L., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Bryce, L. (2019). Designing spaces to support collaborative creativity in shared virtual environments. PeerJ Computer Science 5:e229 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.229 {PDF}
Wang, W., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Sheridan, J. G. (2019). On the role of in-situ making and evaluation in designing across cultures. CoDesign. Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2019.1580296 {PDF }
Liang, A., Stewart, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). Analysis of Sensitivity, Linearity, Hysteresis, Responsiveness, and Fatigue of Textile Knit Stretch Sensors. Sensors 2019, 19, 3618. MDPI. {PDF}
Hu, Y., Du, X., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Guo, Y. (2019). Identifying Divergent Design Thinking through the Observable Behavior of Service Design Novices. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(5), 1179-1191, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s10798-018-9479-7 {PDF }
Wu, Y., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2018). Musicking with an Interactive Musical System: the Effects of Task Motivation and User Interface Mode on Non-musicians’ Creative Engagement. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Wang, W., & Ji, T. (2018). Exploring Interactivity and Co-Creation in Rural China. Interacting with Computers. Oxford University Press. {PDF}
Wu, Y., Zhang, L., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Barthet, M. (2017). Open Symphony: Supporting Audience Creative Participation in Live Music Performance. IEEE Multimedia, 24, 48-62.
Baker, C., Ranaivoson, H., Greinke, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2018). WEAR: Wearable technologists engage with artists for responsible innovation: Processes and progress. Journal of Virtual Creativity, Intellect. ISSN: 2397-9704, doi: 10.1386/vcr.8.1.91_1
Mazzoni, A. & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2016). Mood Glove: A haptic wearable prototype system to enhance mood music in film. Entertainment Computing, 17, 9–17. DOI:10.1016/j.entcom.2016.06.002. {PDF}
Wang, W., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Ji, T. (2016). Using community engagement to drive co-creation in rural China. International Journal of Design, 10(1), 37-52. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Martin, F., Parkinson, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., & Tanaka, A. (2016). Audio-haptic interfaces for digital audio workstations: A participatory design approach. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 1-12. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N,, Stockman, T., & Martin, F. (2016) Sonification of reference markers for auditory graphs: effects on non-visual point estimation tasks. PeerJ Computer Science 2:e51 {PDF}
Morgan, E., Gunes, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). Using Affective and Behavioural Sensors to Explore Aspects of Collaborative Music Making. IIJHCS, 31-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2015.05.002 {PDF}
Metatla O., Martin F., Stockman T., & Bryan-Kinns N. (2014). Audio-haptic mockups, audio diaries and participatory prototyping: Designing with and for people living with visual impairments. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. {PDF}
Heitlinger, S., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2013). Understanding performative behaviour within content-rich Digital Live Art. Digital Creativity 24(2), pp. 111-118.
Murray-Browne T, Mainstone D, Bryan-Kinns N, & Plumbley MD. (2013). The serendiptichord: Reflections on the collaborative design process between artist and researcher. Leonardo 46(1), 86-87. DOI: doi:10.1162/LEON_a_00494{PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012). Mutual Engagement and Collocation with Shared Representations. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. DOI: {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012). Mutual Engagement in Social Music Making. LNICST 78, 260-266.{PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., and Stockman, T. (2012). Interactive Hierarchy-Based Auditory Displays for Accessing and Manipulating Relational Diagrams. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2012), Page 111-122, Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg.{PDF}
Metatla O., Bryan-Kinns N., & Stockman T. (2012). The Effects of Using Headphones and Speakers on Collaboration in an Audio-only Workspace. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2011). Annotating Distributed Scores for Mutual Engagement in Daisyphone and Beyond. Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 21. {PDF}
Marshall, J., Airantzis, D., Angus, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., Fencott, R., Lane, G., Lesage, F., Martin, K., Roussos, G., Taylor, J., Warren, L., Woods, O. (2010). Sensory Threads. Leonardo 43(2), pp. 196-197. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Hamilton, F. (2009). Identifying Mutual Engagement. Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI: 10.1080/01449290903377103 {PDF}
Stowell, D., Robertson, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Plumbley, M. D. (2009). Evaluation of live human-computer music-making: quantitative and qualitative approaches. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, 67, pp. 960-975. {PDF}
Sheridan, J.G. & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2008). Designing for Performative Tangible Interaction. International Journal of Arts and Technology. Special Issue on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. ISSN 1754-8853. {PDF}
Sheridan, J. G., Bayliss, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2007). The interior life of iPoi: objects that entice witting transitions in performative behaviour. International Journal of Performance and Digital Media, Vol. 3, No. 1, Intellect Press, pp. 17 - 37.
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Broadbent, P. (2004). Anthropomorphizing mass communication. Interactions, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 57-60.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2000). VCMF: A Framework for Video Content Modelling. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 23-45.
Editorial board member for Springer’s Cultural Computing book series and Associate Editor for Springer’s Personal and Ubiquitous Computing journal.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ford, C., Zheng, S., Kennedy, H., Chamberlain, A., Lewis, M., Hemment, D., Li, Z., Wu, Q., Xiao, L., Xia, G., Rezwana, J., Clemens, M., & Vigliensoni, G. (2024). Proceedings of The second international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts). arXiv:2406.14485 {pdf}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ford, C., Chamberlain, A., Benford, S., Kennedy, H., Li, Z., Qiong, W., Xia, G. G., Rezwana, J. (Eds.) (2023). Proceedings of The first international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts). arXiv:2310.06428 {pdf}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Reed, C. N. (2024). A Guide to Evaluating the Experience of Media and Arts Technology. To appear in Creating Digitally, Springer. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07490 {pdf}
Men, L., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). Supporting Sonic Interaction in Creative, Shared Virtual Environments. In Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments, Springer. 237–267.
Milo, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Reiss, J. D. (2018). Graphical Research Tools for Acoustic Design Training: Capturing Perception in Architectural Settings. In Handbook of Research on Perception-Driven Approaches to Urban Assessment and Design, IGI Global, 397-434.
A NIME Reader - Fifteen Years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (2017). Alexander Refsum Jensenius, A. R., & Lyons, M. J. (Eds.), Springer. {BOOK}
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2014). Mutual Engagement in Digitally Mediated Public Art. In Interactive Experience in the Digital Age, Candy, L., & Ferguson, S. (Eds.), Springer. {BOOK}
Bengler, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2014). In the Wild: Evaluating Collaborative Interactive Musical Experiences in Public Settings. In Interactive Experience in the Digital Age, Candy, L., & Ferguson, S. (Eds.), Springer. {BOOK}
Fencott, R., and Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012). Computer Musicking: HCI, CSCW and Collaborative Digital Musical Interaction. In Music and Human-Computer Interaction, Springer Cultural Computing Series. Springer.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ortega, F., Men, L., & Tokarchuk, L. (Eds) (2022), Remote XR User Studies Topic, Frontiers in Computer Science.
England, D., Schiphorst, T, & Bryan-Kinns, N. (Eds) (2016). Curating the Digital: Space for Art and Interaction. Springer.
England, D., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (Eds.) (2013) Special issue of International Journal of Arts and Technology on Whole Body Interaction: Applications, Case Studies, Evaluations and Critical Theory.
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Edmonds, E. (Eds.) (2010). Special issue of CoDesign on Collaborative Creativity, Vol. 6, No. 4, Taylor & Francis.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Gross, M. D., Johnson, H., Ox, J., & Wakkary, R. (Eds.) (2009). Everyday Creativity. Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, ACM, New York.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Blandford, A., Curzon, P., & Nigay, L. (Eds.) (2006) People and Computers XX - Engage: Proceedings of HCI 2006, London, UK.
Bryan-Kinns, N. et al. (2001). Prototypes - Representations with Political Agenda. In: The Usability Business, Bawa, J., Dorazio, P., & Trenner, L. (Eds.), Springer.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2000). A Framework for Supporting Reuse in Hypermedia. In: Design and Management of Multimedia Information Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Rahman, S. M. (Ed.).
Bryan-Kinns, N. J. (1998). A Framework for Modelling Video Content. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London.
Zheng, S, Del Sette, B. M., Saitis, C, Xambó, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024). Building Sketch-to-Sound Mapping with Unsupervised Feature Extraction and Interactive Machine Learning. In Proceedings of NIME 2024.
Ford, C., Noel-Hirst, A., Cardinale, S., Loth, J., Sarmento, P., Wilson, E., Wolstanholme, L., Worrall, K., & Nick Bryan-Kinns. (2024). Reflection Across AI-based Music Composition. . In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Noel-Hirst, A., & Ford, C. (2024). Using Incongruous Genres to Explore Music Making with AI Generated Content. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition.
Robson, N., McPherson, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024). Thinking with Sound: Exploring the Experience of Listening to an Ultrasonic Art Installation. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2024. {PDF} Awarded Honourable Mention.
Ford, C., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). Towards a Reflection in Creative Experience Questionnaire. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2023.
Zheng, J., McPherson, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). When Materials Meet Sound: Discovering the Meaning of Deformable Materials in Musical Interaction. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23). {PDF}
Dannemann, T., Bryan-Kinns, N., & McPherson, A. (2023). Self-Sabotage Workshop: a starting point to unravel sabotaging of instruments as a design practice. In Proceedings of NIME 2023.
Zheng, J., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). Squeeze, Twist, Stretch: Exploring Deformable Digital Musical Interfaces Design Through Non-Functional Prototypes. In Proceedings of NIME 2022. {pubpub} {Video}
Zhang, M., Stewart, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). Integrating Interactive Technology Concepts With Material Expertise in Textile Design Disciplines. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '22), 1277-1287. {PDF} {Video}
Zheng, J., Bryan-Kinns, N., & McPherson, A. (2022). Material Matters: Exploring Materiality in Digital Musical Instruments Design. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '22), 976–986. {PDF} {Video}
Ford, C., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). Identifying Engagement in Children's Interaction whilst Composing Digital Music at Home. In Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition (CC'22). {PDF}
Pigrem, J., McPherson, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Jack, R. (2022). Sound -> Object -> Gesture: Physical Affordances of Virtual Materials. In Proceedings of the 17th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM '22), 59–66.
Ford, C., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Nash, C. (2021). Creativity in Children's Digital Music Composition. In Proceedings of NIME 2021. {pubpub}
Ratcliffe, J., Soave, F., Bryan-Kinns, N., Tokarchuk, L., & Farkhatdinov, I. (2021). Extended Reality (XR) Remote Research: a Survey of Drawbacks and Opportunities. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2021. Awarded Honourable Mention.
Liang, A., Stewart, R., Freire, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021). Knit Stretch Sensor Placement for Body Movement Sensing. In Proceedings of ACM TEI 2021.
Fang, Y., Ou, J., Nick Bryan-Kinns, N., Kang, Q., Zhang, J., & Guo, B. (2021). Using vibrotactile device in music therapy to support wellbeing for people with Alzheimer's disease. In Proceedings of AHFE 2021.
Daniele A., Di Bernardi Luft C., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2021) “What is human?” A Turing Test for artistic creativity. In: Proceedings of Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design – 10th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2021.
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Li, Z. (2020). ReImagining: Cross-cultural Co-Creation of a Chinese Traditional Musical Instrument with Digital Technologies. In Proceedings of NIME 2020.{PDF } {Video}
Zhang, M., Stewart, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2020). Infinite - an E-textile Toolkit for Fashion and Textile Designers. In Proceedings of the Global Fashion Conference 2020.
Edlin, L., Liu, Y., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Reiss, J. (2020). Exploring Augmented Reality As Craft Material. In Proceedings of HCI International 2020.
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Comber, R. (2019). The Right to the Sustainable Smart City. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2019. Awarded “Honourable Mention”.
Nonnis, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). Mazi: Tangible technologies as a channel for collaborative play. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2019.
Men, L., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). LeMo: Exploring Virtual Space for Collaborative Creativity. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition 2019. Awarded Honourable Mention. {PDF }
Deacon, T., Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P. G. T., & Barthet, M. (2019). Shaping Sounds: The Role of Gesture in Collaborative Spatial Music Composition. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition 2019.
WEAR Sustain (Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation): Sustainability Strategy Toolkit. In Proceedings of Textile Intersections 2019, Loughborough University, UK.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Baker, C., Greinke, B., Ranaivoson, H., Lasebikan, R., Wu, Y., & Liu, S. (2018). WEAR Sustain Network: Wearable Technology Innovation. In Proceedings of Global Fashion Conference 2018. {PDF }
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2018). “I Hear You”: Understanding Awareness Information Exchange in an Audio-only Workspace. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2018. DOI=10.1145/3173574.3174120
Bin, S. A., Morreale F., Bryan-Kinns N., & McPherson A.P. (2017). In-the-moment and Beyond: Combining Post-hoc and Real-Time Data for the Study of Audience Perception of Electronic Music Performance. In Proceedings of INTERACT 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10513, 263-281. Springer. {PDF }
Bin, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., & McPherson, A. (2017). Hands where we can see them! Investigating the impact of gesture size on audience perception. In Proceedings of ICMC 2017. {PDF }
Wu, Y., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2017). Supporting Non-Musicians' Creative Engagement with Musical Interfaces. In Proceedings of ACM Creatiivty and Cognition 2017. {PDF }
Wu, Y., Bryan-Kinns, N., Wang, W., Sheridan, J., & Xu, X. (2017). Designing a Cross-Cultural Interactive Music Box through Meaning Construction. In Proceedings of HCI International 2017.
Milo, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Reiss, J. D. (2017). Influences of a Key Map on Soundwalk Exploration with a Textile Sonic Map. In Proceedings of Audio Engineering Society Convention 143.
Tez, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2017). Exploring the Effect of Interface Constraints on Live Collaborative Music Improvisation. In Proceedings of NIME 2017.
Pan J., Bryan-Kinns N., & Dong H. (2017). Mobile Technology Adoption Among Older People - An Exploratory Study in the UK. In: Zhou J., Salvendy G. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Aging, Design and User Experience. ITAP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10297. Springer.
Metatla, O., Correia, N. N., Martin, F., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2016). Tap the ShapeTones: Exploring the effects of crossmodal congruence in an audio-visual interface. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2016. {PDF}
Bin, A., McPherson, A., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2016). Skip the Pre-Concert Demo: How Technical Familiarity and Musical Style Affect Audience Response. In Proceedings of NIME 2016. {PDF}
Knecht, K., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Shoop K. (2016). Usability and Design of Personal Wearable and Portable Devices for Thermal Comfort in Shared Work Environments. In Proceedings of BCS HCI 2016. DOI= {pdf}
Mazzoni, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). How Does It Feel Like? An Exploratory Study of a Prototype System to Convey Emotion through Haptic Wearable Devices. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. {PDF}
Morgan, E., Gunes, H., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). The LuminUs: Providing musicians with visual feedback on the gaze and body motion of their co-performers. In Proceedings of INTERACT 2015, DOI= {PDF}
Feng, F., Stockman, T., Bryan-Kinns, N., & AI-Thani, D. (2015). An investigation into the comprehension of map information presented in audio. In Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 29 , 8 pages. DOI=
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., & Martin, F. (2015). Sonifications for Digital Audio Workstations: Reflections on a Participatory Design Approach. In Proceedings of ICAD 2015.
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Wang, W. (2014). Meeting new global challenges in media arts and design: the development of a collaborative Sino-UK international inter-disciplinary education practice, International Journal of Art and Design Education Conference (IJADE), Liverpool, UK.
Bengler, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2013). Designing collaborative musical experiences for broad audiences. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C ’13), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 234-242. {PDF}
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Jefferies, J. (2013). Sustainable HCI for grassroots urban food-growing communities. In Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI).
Morgan, E., Gunes, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2013). Measuring Affect for the Study and Enhancement of Co-Present Creative Collaboration. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII'13), Geneva, Switzerland. {PDF}
Meckin, D., & Bryan-Kinns N. (2013) moosikMasheens: Music, Motion and Narrative with Young People who have Complex Needs. In proceedings Interaction Design and Children, New York USA. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., & Stockman, T. (2012). Supporting Cross-Modal Collaboration in the Workplace. In Proceedings of HCI 2012, Birmingham, UK. Recipient of Honourable Mention.
Fencott, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012). Audio Delivery and Territoriality in Collaborative Digital Musical Interaction. In Proceedings of HCI 2012, Birmingham, UK.
Barden, P., Comber, R., Green, D., Jackson, D., Ladha, C., Bartindale, T., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., & Olivier, P. (2012). Telematic Dinner Party: Designing for Togetherness through Play and Performance, In Proceedings of ACM DIS 2012, Newcastle, UK.
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., & Martin, F. (2012). Cross-modal collaborative interaction between visually-impaired and sighted users in the workplace. To appear in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2012). Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. {PDF}
T. Murray-Browne, D. Mainstone, N. Bryan-Kinns and M. D. Plumbley. (2011). The medium is the message: Composing instruments and performing mappings. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME-11), Oslo, Norway, 2011. {PDF}
Fencott, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2010) Hey Man, you're invading my Personal Space! Privacy and Awareness in Collaborative Music. In Proceedings of NIME 2010, Sydney, Australia. {PDF}
Murray-Browne, T., Mainstone, D., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Plumbley, M. D. (2010). The Serendiptichord: A Wearable Instrument For Contemporary Dance Performance. In Proceedings of the 128th Audio Engineering Society Convention, May 22-25 2010, London, UK. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Airantzis, D., Angus, A., Fencott, R., Lane, G,, Lesage, F., Marshall, J., Martin, K., Roussos, G., Taylor, J., Warren, L., & Woods, O. (2009). Sensory Threads: Perceiving the Imperceptible. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'09).
Thiebaut, J.-B., Healey, P. G. T., & Bryan Kinns, N. (2008). Drawing Electroacoustic Music. In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2008) Constructing Relational Diagrams in Audio: The Multiple Perspective Hierarchical Approach. In Proceedings of ASSETS2008, Halifax, Canada.
Stowell, D., Plumbley, M. D., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2008) Discourse analysis evaluation method for expressive musical interfaces. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'08), Genova, Italy. {PDF}
Robertson, A., Plumbley, M. D., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2008) A Turing Test for B-Keeper: Evaluating an Interactive Real-Time Beat-Tracker. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'08), Genova, Italy. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Healey, P. G. T. (2007). Exploring Mutual Engagement in Creative Collaborations. In Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition 2007, Washington, USA, pp. 223 - 232. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P. G. T., Papworth, D. & Vaduuva, A. (2007). Cues to Mutual Knowledge. In Proceedings of ECSCW 07 , Limmerick, 2007. {PDF}
Sheridan, J., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Bayliss, A. (2007) Encouraging Witting Participation and Performance in Digital Live Art. In Proceedings of HCI 2007, Lancaster, UK. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2007) Using Hierarchies to Support Non-Visual Access to Relational Diagrams. In Proceedings of HCI2007, Lancaster UK. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2007) Auditory External Representation: Exploring and Evaluating the Design and Learnability of an Auditory UML Diagram. In Proceedings of ICAD2007, Montreal Canada. {PDF}
Nabavian, S., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2006). Analysing Group Creativity: A Distributed Cognitive Study of Joint Music Composition. In Proceedings of Cognitive Science, pp. 1856-1861. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Healey, P. G. T. (2006). Decay in Collaborative Music Making. In Proceedings of NIME 2006, Paris, France, pp. 114-117. {PDF}
Leach, J., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2005). Inter-Play: Understanding Group Music Improvisation as a Form of Everyday Interaction. In Proceedings of Less is More — Simple Computing in an Age of Complexity, Microsoft Research Cambridge. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Daisyphone: The Design and Impact of a Novel Environment for Remote Group Music Improvisation. In Proceedings of DIS 2004, Boston, USA, pp. 135-144. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Hamilton, F. (2002). One for all and all for one? Case studies of prototypes in commercial projects. In Proceedings of NordiCHI 2002.
Blandford, A., Stelmaszewska, H. & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2001) Use of multiple digital libraries: a case study. In Proceedings JCDL 2001. 179-188. ACM Press.
Healey, P., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2000). Analysing Asynchronous Collaboration. In proceedings of HCI 2000, Sunderland, UK, pp. 239-245. {PDF}
Kindberg, T., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Makwana, R. (1999). Supporting the Shared Care of Diabetic Patients. Proceedings of ACM GROUP '99.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (1998). Modelling Video in Hypermedia. In Proceedings of Euromedia 98, Leicester, England, 1998.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Zheng, S., Castro, F., Lewis, M., Chang, J-R., Vigliensoni, G., Broad, T., Clemens, M., & Wilson, E. (2025). XAIxArts Manifesto: Explainable AI for the Arts. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 26-May 1, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. {arXiv pdf}
Makayla Lewis, Miriam Sturdee, Denise Lengyel, Mauro Toselli, John Miers, Violet Owen, Josh Urban Davis, Swen E Gaudl, Lanxi Xiao, Ernesto Priego, Kim Snooks, Laia Turmo Vidal, Eli Blevis, Nicola Privato, Patricia Piedade, Corey Ford, Nick Bryan-Kinns, Beatriz Severes, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Caroline Claisse, Raksanda Mehnaz Huq, Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Anna Troisi, Ana O Henriques, Ar Grek, Gareth Mcmurchy, Ray Lc, Sara Nabil, Jacinta Jardine, Robert Collins, Andrey Vlasov, Yana Knight, Michele Cremaschi, Silvia Carderelli-Gronau, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Gisela Reyes-Cruz, and Jean-Philippe Riviere. (2024). Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 568, 1–14 {pdf}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ford, C., Zheng, S., Kennedy, H., Chamberlain, A., Lewis, M., Hemment, D., Li, Z., Wu, Q., Xiao, L., Xia, G., Rezwana, J., Clemens, M., & Vigliensoni, G. (2024). Explainable AI for the Arts 2. Workshop at ACM Creativity and Cognition 2024.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). Explainable AI for the Arts. In Workshop Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable AI (HCXAI) @ ACM CHI 2023.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Ford, C., Chamberlain, A., Benford, S., Kennedy, H., Li, Z., Qiong, W., Xia, G., & Rezwana, J. (2023). Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts. Workshop at ACM Creativity and Cognition 2023.
Zhang, M., Stewart, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). Empowering Textile and Fashion Designers with E-Textiles for Creative Expression. Engineering Proceedings, 52(1), 22, E-Textiles 2023 {pdf}
Bindi, G., Demerlé, N., Diaz, R., Genova, D., Golvet, A., Hayes, B., Huang, J., Liu, L., Martos, V., Nabi, S., Pelinski, T., Renault, L., Sarkar, S., Sarmento, P., Vahidi, C., Wolstanholme, L., Zhang, Y. Roebel, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., Giavitto, J.-L., & Barthet, M. (2023). AI (r)evolution -- where are we heading? Thoughts about the future of music and sound technologies in the era of deep learning. arXiv:2310.18320 {pdf}
Noel-Hirst, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). An Autoethnographic Exploration of XAI in Algorithmic Composition. In Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts Workshop at ACM Creativity and Cognition 2023. arXiv.2308.06089 {pdf}
Ford, C., Cardinale, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Wiggins, G. (2023). Three Open Questions for the Design of AI for Music Composition. In CHIME One Day Workshop 2023, The Open University.
Zheng, J., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). Materials in Musical Interaction: Research through a Material Lens under Musical Context. In Body x Materials: A Workshop Exploring the Role of Material-Enabled Body-Based Multisensory Experiences @ ACM CHI 2023.
Jiali, Z. & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). Using behaviors design strategy to improve Engagement with Musical Intangible Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality Games. In Behavioural Design in Video Games: Ethical, Legal, and Health Impact on Players Workshop @ ACM CHI 2023.
Ford, C., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). On the Role of Reflection and Digital Tool Design for Creative Practitioners. In Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity @ ACM CHI 2023.
Dannemann, T., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). The Sabotaging Piano: key-to-pitch remapping as a source of new techniques in piano improvisation. In Proceedings of NIME 2023.
Banar, B., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Colton, S. (2023). A Tool for Generating Controllable Variations of Musical Themes using Variational Autoencoders with Latent Space Regularisation. In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Qian, J., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2023). The Practice of Industrial Design Teaching Model under International Exchange and Cooperation: An example of Inclusive Design Course. In the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023).
Zhang, J. and Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). QiaoLe: Accessing Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments in VR. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 357-362. {pdf}
Zheng, J., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). DeSound: A Toolkit for Building Functional Prototypes of Digital Musical Instruments. In the 11th International Workshop on Haptic & Audio Interaction Design (HAID).
Dannemann, T., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). The Sabotaging Piano: disrupting auditory and haptic feedback in music improvisation. In the 11th International Workshop on Haptic & Audio Interaction Design (HAID).
Ford, C., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2022). Speculating on Reflection and People's Music Co-Creation with AI. In Generative AI and HCI Workshop @ ACM CHI 2022.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Banar, B., Ford, C., Reed, C. N., Zhang, Y., Colton, S., & Armitage, J. (2021). Exploring XAI for the Arts: Explaining Latent Space in Generative Music. eXplainable AI Approaches for Debugging and Diagnosis Workshop @ NeurIPS2021. {pdf}
Ratcliffe, J., Soave, F., Hoover, M., Ortega, F. R., Bryan-Kinns, N., Tokarchuk, L., & Farkhatdinov, I. (2021). Remote XR Studies: Exploring Three Key Challenges of Remote XR Experimentation. In Proceedings of ACM SIG CHI 2021 Extended Abstracts.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Li, Z., & Sun, X. (2020). On Digital Platforms and AI for Music in the UK and China. In Proceedings of NIME 2020. {PDF } {Video}
Nonnis, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2020). Όλοι: music making to scaffold social playful activities and self-regulation. In Proceedings of NIME 2020. {PDF } {Video}
Kim, R., Thomas, S., van Dierendonck, R., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Poslad, S. (2020). Working with Nature’s Lag: Initial Design Lessons for Slow Biotic Games. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG ’20).
Zhang, H., Zhang, K., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2020). Exploiting the emotional preference of music for music recommendation in daily activities. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2020.
Soave, F., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Farkhatdinov, I. (2020). A Preliminary Study on Full Body Haptic and Motion Perception in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of SALENTO AVR 2020.
Nonnis, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). Mazi: a Tangible Toy for Collaborative Play between Children with Autism. In Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children 2019. Winner of Best Demo Award. {PDF }
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Wang, W. (2019). Bridging China and UK HCI Education and Research through User Experience. In Workshop on HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building, ACM SIG CHI Conference 2019. {PDF }
Liang, A., Stewart, R., Freire, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). Effect of bonding and washing on electronic textile stretch sensor properties. In Proceedings of UbiComp 2019. {PDF }
Liang, A., Stewart, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2019). Design of Textile Knitted Stretch Sensors for Dance Movement Sensing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles 2019), 2019, 32, 14. {PDF }
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2018). Case Study of Data Mining Mutual Engagement. In Proceedings of British HCI Conference 2018 (BCS-HCI 2018). {PDF }
Bryan-Kinns, N., Wang, W, & Wu, Y. (2018). Thematic Analysis for Sonic Interaction Design. In From Data to Design Workshop at British Computer Society Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2018 (BCS-HCI 2018). {PDF }
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Comber, R. (2018). Connected Seeds and Sensors: Co-designing Internet of Things for Sustainable Smart Cities with urban food-growing communities. In Proceedings of Participatory Design Conference 2018 (PDC18).
Bin, S. A., Bryan-Kinns N., & McPherson A.P. (2018). Risky business: Disfluency as a design strategy. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2018 (NIME18). {PDF }
Men, L., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2018). LeMo: Supporting Collaborative Music Making in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of IEEE VR Workshop Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments (SIVE18). {PDF }
Bengler, B., Martin, F., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2018). Collidoscope. interactions, 25(2), 12-13. DOI: 10.1145/3183349
Bengler, B., Martin, F., Bryan-Kinns, N., Frauenberger, C., Makhaeva, J., Spiel, K., Vishkaie, R., & Jones, L. (2018). Demo Hour: Collidoscope. interactions, 25(1), 8-11. DOI:10.1145/3162013.
Wang, W., Bryan-Kinns, N., Sheridan, J. G., Shen, Y., Ji, T., Marengo, L., Milo, A., Ning, T., Wu, Y., Xu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2017). Things and 物 in In-situ Making and Evaluating: A Case Study. In ACM SIGCHI 2017 Workshop - The Things of Design Research: Diversity in Objects and Outcomes (May 2017, Denver USA).
Men, L., Bryan-Kinns, N., Hassard, A., & Ma, Z. (2017). The Impact of Transitions on User Experience in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2017. {PDF }
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2017). Interaction Design with Audio: Speculating on Sound in Future Design Education. Presented at The 4th Central China International Design Science Seminar 2017, 19-22 October 2017, Jingdezhen, China. {PDF}
Antonella, M., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2016). Moody: Haptic Sensations to Enhance Mood in Film Music. In Proceedings of DIS '16: Companion.
Martin F., Metatla O., Stockman T., & Bryan-Kinns N. (2016). Accessible Spectrum Analyser. Proceedings of ICAD’2016. {PDF}
Hayes, K., Barthet, M., Wu, Y., Zhang, L., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2016). A Participatory Live Music Performance with the Open Symphony System. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016): Interactivity. {PDF}
Bengler, B., Martin, F., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Sheridan, J. (2016). Collidoscope: Let’s Ride the Waves of Sound. In Art.CHI Workshop, CHI 2016. {PDF}
Wang, W., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Yang, Q. (2015). The Design Space and the Shifting Trigger in Wearable Product Development. In Proceedings of International Design Congress 2015, Korea.
Bengler, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). “I could play here for hours..” (thinks the visitor and leaves): Why People Disengage from Public Interactives. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015. {PDF }
MacDonald, S. & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). Nature Bot: Experiencing Nature in the Built Environment. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015.
Morgan, E., Gunes, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2015). The LuminUs: Providing Musicians with Visual Feedback on the Gaze and Body Motion of their Co-Performers. In Proceedings of INTERACT 2015.
Bengler, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2014). Polymetros. interactions 21(3), 12-13. DOI:10.1145/2590641.
Sangtae, K., Kim, J., Lee, S., Petkov, I., Ronchi, G., Benghi, C., Bengler, B., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2014). Demo hour. interactions 21(2), 10-13. DOI:10.1145/2579050
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Jefferies, J. (2014). The Talking Plants: an Interactive System for Grassroots Urban Food-Growing Communities. In Proceedings of CHI’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Williams K., Meckin, D., Stockman, T., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012) Embedded Research in the Design of Interactive Technologies for Children with Special Educational Needs: An Account of Research in Progress. In Proceedings of HCI 2012 The 26th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction Birmingham, UK. {PDF}
Meckin, D., Mainstone, D., Shed, R., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2012) The Whimsichord: a Wearable Interactive Sonic Installation. In proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems Newcastle UK. {PDF}
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., O'Flanagan, O., and Couzyn, T. (2012). The Talking Quilt: Augmenting Domestic Objects for Communal Meaning-Making. In Proceedings of EVA London 2012. London, UK. {PDF}
Heitlinger, S., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., O'Flanagan, O., and Couzyn, T. (2012). The Talking Quilt: Augmenting Domestic Objects for Communal Meaning-Making. In Proceedings of DIS 2012. Newcastle, UK. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., Martin, F. (2012). A Cross-Modal Collaborative Tool for Workplace Inclusion. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2012), Newcastle, UK. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., Martin, F. (2011). Designing for Collaborative Cross-modal Interaction. In Proceedings of Digital Engagement 2011 the 2nd RCUK Digital Economy All Hands Meeting, Newcastle, UK. {PDF}
Sheridan, J.G., Marshall, J., Bryan-Kinns, N., Lane, G., & Reeves, S. (2011). Graffito: Crowd-based performative interaction at festivals. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), 1129-1134.
England, D., Bryan-Kinns, N., Edmonds, E., Wright, P., Sheridan, J.G., Twidale, M., Pobiner, S., & Diana, C. (2011). Digital arts and interaction. In Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 609-612.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Fencott, R., Metatla, O., Nabavian, S., Sheridan, J.G. (2010). Interactional Sound: Listening to CSCW, Sonification, and Sound Art. In Proceedings of NIME: New Interfaces for Musical Expression++, Sydney, Australia, 2010. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., Metatla, O. (2010). Collaborative Cross-Modal Interfaces. To appear in the Proceedings of Digital Futures 2010 Research Councils UK Digital Economy All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Airantzis, D., Angus, A., Fencott, R., Lane, G., Lesage, F., Marshall, J., Martin, K., Roussos, G., Taylor, J., Warren, L., and Woods, O. (2009). Sensory Threads - Collective Sensory Augmentation. Key Issues in Sensory Augmentation Workshop, 26-27 March, University of Sussex. {PDF}
Martin, K., Marshal, J., Fencott, R., Airantzis, D., Taylor, J., Lesage, F., Lane, G., Bryan-Kinns, N., Warren, L., and Roussos, G. (2009). Sensory Threads, Ubiquitous Computing at a Crossroads: Art, Science, Politics and Design, January 6-7, Imperial College, London, UK. (presentation)
Fencott, R., and Bryan-Kinns, N. (2009). Sensory Threads: Sonifying imperceptible phenomena in the Wild. In Proceedings of 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Porto, Portugal, 2009. {PDF}
Warren, L., Fuller, T., Lesage, F., Lane, G., Bryan-Kinns N., and Roussos, G. (2009). Ephemeral emergents and anticipation in online connected creativity, WebSci09: Society On-Line, March 18-20, Athens, Greece.
Sheridan, J. G., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Lloyd, T. (2008). (re)Actor3: the Third International Conference on Digital Live Art, Interfaces, Vol. 77, pp. 18-20. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2008). Comparing Interaction Strategies for Constructing Relational Diagrams in an Audio-Only Interface. In proceedings of HCI2008, Liverpool, UK.
Thiebaut, J.-B., Abdallah, S., Robertson, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., and M. D. Plumbley. (2008) Real time gesture learning and recognition: Towards automatic categorization. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME '08), 215-217, Genova, Italy, 5-7 June 2008. {PDF}
Sheridan, J., Bayliss, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2006). iPoi: acceleration as a medium for digital live art. In Proceedings of UbiComp 2006, Los Angeles, California, USA. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P. G. T., Leach, J., & Brooker, A. (2006). Mutual Engagement in Collaboration. Presented at About-Face Workshop, CHI 2006, Montreal, Canada. {PDF}
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2006). A Model for Structuring UML Class Diagrams to Support Non-Visual Interpretation and Navigation. Proceedings of HCI 2006, Volume 2, London UK.
Metatla, O., Bryan-Kinns, N., & Stockman, T. (2006). Diagrams As Sonified Trees: The Design and Implementation of Auditory UML. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, Vol. 2, 31st August - 1st September 2006, University of Glasgow.
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P. G. T., & Lee, J. (2005). Persistence in web based collaborations. In Proc. of International World Wide Web Conference 2005, Chiba, Japan.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Mobile group music improvisation. In Proceedings of Engagability and Design 2004, Birmingham, UK. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Healey, P. G. T. (2004). Daisyphone: Support for Remote Music Collaboration. In Proceedings of NIME 2004, Hamamatsu, Japan, pp. 27-30. {PDF}
Broadbent, P., Bryan-Kinns, N., Chong, M., Cooper, A., Hurst, M., Lewis, N., Light, A., Macdonald, N., Reed, D., Roibas, A. C., Rollestone, G., Sala, R., Skrebowski, L., Weitzman, L., Wood, L., & Zolli, A. (2003). The Evolution of Mass Communication in the Interactive World. In Proceedings of HCI 2003, Vol. 2.
Brooker, A., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2003). Computer based support for learning facial expressions. In Proceedings of HCI 2003, Vol. 2. {PDF}
Blandford, A., Thimbleby, H., & Bryan-Kinns, N. (2003). Understanding Interaction Traps. In Proceedings of HCI 2003, Vol. 2.
Bryan-Kinns, N., & Broadbent, P. (2003). Anthropomorphizing Mass Communication. In Supplementary Proceedings of CHI 2003 (Development Consortium).
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P., Thirlwell, M., & Leach, J. (2003a). Designing for Group Creativity. In Supplementary Proceedings of HCI International 2003. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P., & Thirlwell, M., (2003b). Gudar – A Novel Group Music Instrument. In Supplementary Proceedings of INTERACT 2003. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Healey, P., & Thirlwell, M., (2003c). Graphical Representation for Musical Improvisation. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Graphical Communication 2003. {PDF}
Bryan-Kinns, N., Blandford, A., & Thimbleby, H. (2000). Interaction Modelling for Digital Libraries. One-day workshop on Evaluation of Information Management Systems, QMW.
Bryan-Kinns, N. (1999). Family Resemblance for Hypermedia Authoring. Technical report #760, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London.
Curator of “Responsible AI Music Launch and Artist Talks”, Rich Mix, London. 13 Feb 2025.
Curator of exhibition “Garden of Forking Paths” at Ars Electronica Festival, online. 9 – 13 Sep 2020.
Curator of exhibition “Sandbox (r)evolution” at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria. 5 – 9 Sep 2019.
Curator of exhibition “Explorations of Interactions” at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria. 6 - 11 Sep 2018.
Invited exhibition of work, Designing Tomorrow Exhibition, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines. 20 Nov 2017.
Invited exhibition of work Hengling Boxes, Yuelu Academy Museum, Changsha, China. 7 - 21 July 2017.
Invited exhibition of work Hengling Boxes, Inter/sections, London, UK. 9 - 16 Sep 2016.
Invited exhibition of OpenCollidoscope, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria. 8 - 12 Sep 2016.
Invited exhibition of work Hengling Boxes, Sino-Italy design center, Huaihua, China. 18 - 25 Aug 2016.
Exhibition of OpenCollidoscope, Sonar+D, Barcelona, Spain. 16 - 19 June 2016.
Invited exhibition of work, Interaction Design Exhibition, Tongji Design Week, Shanghai, China. 9 - 17 Oct 2014.
Invited exhibition of work, "Design Can Change!" Exhibition, part of China International Cultural Industries Fair, Shenzhen, China. 07 June 2013.
Graffito Interactive Experience, HCI 2011, Newcastle, UK. Winner of “Best Interactive Experience”. 07 July 2011.
Graffito Installation, CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada. 7 - 12 May 2011.
Graffito Invited Installation, Digital Shoreditch, London, UK. 4 - 7 May 2011.
Graffito Installation (selection by competition), TentLondon, London Design Festival, London, UK. 23 - 26 September 2010.
Graffito installation (curated), Vintage at Goodwood, curated by Gerardine Hemingway MBE and Wayne Hemingway MBE, Goodwood Estate, UK. 13 - 15 August 2010.
Daisyphone showcase, EPSRC Pioneers09, Olympia, London, UK. 4 March 2009.
Daisyphone exhibit, Surface Tension: Interactives and Workshops, Dana Centre, Science Museum, London, UK. 23 June 2009
Sensory Threads, Surface Tension: Interactives and Workshops, Dana Centre, Science Museum, London, UK. The world’s first collective sensing of the imperceptible through real-time interactive mobile soundcapes. 23 June 2009.
iPOI, Wickerman Festival, Dundrennan, Scotland. 20 - 22 July 2007.
iPOI, Beat Herder, Ribble Valley, Lancashire UK. 29 June - 1 July 2007.
Hoverflies, Emergent Objects, Design for the 21st Century, Leeds University, Leeds, UK. This was the world’s first public exhibition of a 3D soundscape controlled in real-time by acceleration. 07 June 2007.
iPOI, Sunrise Celebration, Somerset, UK. 31 May - 4 June 2007.
iPOI, FutureSonic Festival, Manchester UK. 12 May 2007. iPOI, Future of Sound, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 12 April 2007.
iPOI, Festival, Lancaster, UK. 29 September 2006.
iPOI, HCI 2006, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 12 September 2006.
Threshold Chimes, HCI 2006, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 12 September 2006.
Threshold Chimes, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 15 June 2006.
Daisyphone, in Susumu Hirasawa's performances, Osaka and Tokyo, Japan. 1 - 4 May 2006.
Most recent news is available on my LinkedIn
26 Feb 2025, Sichani, A.-M., Westenberger, P., Bryan-Kinns, N., Bunz, M., Collett, C., Heravi, B., Miltner, K. M., Moruzzi, C., & Townsend, B. A. (2025). BRAID researchers' response to UK Government copyright and AI consultation. Zenodo. {pdf}
6 Feb 2025, Invited talk, “Responsible AI international community to reduce bias in AI music generation and analysis”, RAi In Conversation With Webinar, online. {video}
6 Dec 2024, Keynote, “Human-Centred AI for Music”, Audiovisual symposium, Dalarna University, Sweden.
2 Dec 2024, Keynote, “Human-Centred AI for Music”, CHIME conference, Open University, UK.
25 April 2024, Invited lecture, “Explainable Generative AI: XAIxAIGC”, Hunan University, China.
19 April 2024, Invited seminar, “Responsible AI international community to reduce bias in AI music generation and analysis”, Dalarna University, Sweden.
19 April 2024, Invited lecture, “Exploring Variational Auto-Encoders for Generative Music Explainable AI”, Beijing AI Institute, Beijing University of Technology, China.
18 April 2024, Invited seminar, “Explainable Generative AI: XAIxAIGC”, Tsinghua University, China.
16 April 2024, Invited seminar, “Sonic Interaction Design”, Tsinghua University, China.
10 April 2024, Invited keynote, “Exploring Variational Auto-Encoder Architectures, Configurations, and Datasets for Generative Music XAI”, Machine Intelligence Research online seminar (13k live-stream viewers).
10 Jan 2024, Invited talk, “Explainable AI and AI Generated Content: XAIxAIGC”, Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
16 Aug 2023, Interview, Interaction Design Book 6th Edition Sound Bites, online. {video}.
22 June 2023, Interview, “Should we use AI to bring musicians back from the dead?”, DAZED, online.
10 May 2023, Invited seminar, “Explainable AI and Music”, CHIME Music and HCI Network, online. {video}
25 April 2023, Interview about “AI and the Future of Music”, Craig Charles, BBC Radio 6.
20 April 2023, Invited talk, “Media and Arts Technology”, Hunan University, China.
4 July 2022, Invited Expert, “Accessible Music Installation Design Workshop”, First International Joint Workshop of Innovative Music Experience, Tsinghua University, China.
4 July 2022, Invited lecture, “eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)”, Intelligent Media Design and creative coding, Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
10 June 2022, Invited design workshop chair, “Explainable AI x Music x UXD”, Hunan University, China.
16 May 2022, Invited design workshop chair, “Designing Playful Tangible User Interfaces for Children with Special Educational Needs”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
13 May 2022, Invited talk, “Sonic and Tangible Interaction Design for Accessibility and Inclusion”, Hunan University, China.
11 April 2022, Invited lecture, “ReImagining Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era”, Central Conservatory of Music, China.
28 March 2022, Invited lecture, “Explainable AI + Music”, Central Conservatory of Music, China. {slides PDF}
24 March 2022, Invited Panel Member, What’s Next for UK-China Collaboration in Performing Arts panel at the AHRC and Shanghai Theatre Academy event on the future of UK-China Creative Industries, China.
12 March 2022, Invited talk, “Tangible Interaction and E-textile Sensing with Media and Arts Technology”, Surface Technology & Design International Forum, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, China.
22 Jan 2022, Invited talk, “Sonic Interaction Design Explorations”, BIG Talk Series 2022, University of Bristol, UK.
18 Dec 2021, Invited talk, “Explainable AI for the Arts”, Interdisciplinary Convergence, Tongji University, China.
10 Dec 2021, Invited talk, “Explainable AI and Music”, Future Tradition New Media Masterclass Series, West Bund Museum, Shanghai, China.
23 Oct 2021, Invited talk, “XAI forMusic:eXplainable Artificial Intelligence and Music”, Summit on Music Intelligence 2021, Central Conservatory of Music, China.
17 Sep 2021, Invited keynote, “Sonic Virtual Reality”, Transmedia, Reality and Experience New Engineering, New Design International Seminar, Hunan University, China.
10 Sep 2021, Invited keynote, “XAIArt: eXplainable Artificial Intelligence and the Arts”, The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation, MIPR 2021, Japan.
24 May 2021, Podcast “How AI and androids could shape the music of the future”, BBC Science Focus Magazine.
25 Jan 2021, Invited talk “Sonic Interaction Design Explorations”, Digital Culture Innovation forum, Hunan University, China.
18 Dec 2020, Interview “The hidden genius of Blob Opera – and how it could get even smarter”, BBC Science Focus Magazine.
19 Nov 2020, Invited talk, “Sonic Interaction Design for the Post-Screen World”, Georgia Tech, USA.
25 June 2020, Invited Keynote, “Sonic Interaction Design for the Post-Screen World”, New Challenge New Strategy exchange, Tsinghua University, China.
9 June 2020, Invited talk “Digital Reimagining”, Tongji University, China.
6 Dec 2019, Invited talk “Sonic Interaction Design”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
28 Oct 2019, Invited podcast “Interactive Design for Media and Arts Technologies”, Arete, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.
6, 7 Nov 2018, Invited participant at AHRC Workshop “Development through the Creative Economy in China”, Shanghai Theatre Academy, China.
8 Sep 2018, Invited panel member of Campus Forum, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
14 May 2018, Invited talk “Do you hear that?”, Pint of Science Festival, London.
14 March 2018, Invited talk on Sonic Interaction Design, Sichuan University, China.
28 Oct 2017, Invited talk on Interaction Design with Audio, Design for Transition International Conference, Jiangnan Uni, China.
24-26 Oct 2017, Selected participant in AHRC+Newton workshop on Creative Economy in China with UNESCO Creative City (Shanghai) Promotion Office, Shanghai Theatre Academy, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture, Shanghai, China.
21 Oct 2017, Invited talk on Interaction Design with Audio, CCIDSS17, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, China.
8 Sep 2017, Panel member for STARTS, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
28 May 2016, Invited talk on Interaction Design with Audio, Malardalen University, Sweden.
7 July 2015, Keynote talk at Academic Practice and Technology Conference, University of Greenwich, UK.
15 Dec 2014, Invited talk on Interaction Design with Audio, CIRMMT, McGill University, Canada.
14 Oct 2014, Invited workshop on Interaction Design with Audio, Tongji Design Week, Shanghai, China.
11 Oct 2014, Invited speech on Mutually Engaging Interaction Design and Audio, Interaction & eXperience Design Forum, Tongji Design Week, Shanghai, China.
9 Oct 2014, Jury member for 4th LotusPrize International Design Competition, China.
8 Oct 2014, Guest lecture on Interaction Design and Audio, Hunan University School of Design, China.
8 May 2013, Guest lecture on Interactional Sound and Music, Hunan University School of Design, China.
18 May 2013, Invited speech, Launch of Hunan University's New MediaLab, Shenzhen, China.
28 Feb 2013, Invited Talk on Interactional Sound and Music, Media Lab Helsinki.
6 Nov 2012, Invited talk "Artist | Scientist | Entrepreneur", Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology Sydney.
19 Oct 2012, Invited keynote speaker, Workshop on Public Art, Evaluation & HCI, Australia.
18 Sep 2012, Invited talk on Mutual Engagement, AC4MobHCI2012, Istanbul.
24 Mar 2012, Presented qMedia and Interactional Sound and Music, International Technology Transfer Beijing Conference 2012.
6 July 2011, Panellist on Art and HCI, HCI 2011, Newcastle, UK.
23, 25 May 2011, Comment on iPalm interaction, New Scientist and Daily Mail.
10 May 2011, Digital Arts and Interaction SIG (invited participant), CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
9 March 2010, Invited presentation on Interactional Sound and Music, AHRC Collaborative Research Training event, Culture Lab, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
2 March 2010, Panellist and invited presentation on the nature of Media Arts and Technology PhDs, New Forms of Doctorate (ESRC research seminar series), London Knowledge Lab, London, UK.
26 February 2010, Invited presentation on Interactional Sound and Music, Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
5 September 2007, Panelist on A Conference Panel - but not as we know it, HCI 2007, Lancaster, UK.
24-26 August 2007, iPoi performance. SolFest, Cumbria, UK.
20 August 2007, Invited talk on mutual engagement, Microsoft, Cambridge UK.
26 November 2006, Invited presentation on state of the art in UK&European HCI research, Engage, Sydney, Australia.
13 November 2006, Invited talk on exploring mutually engaging interaction in improvisation, University of York, UK.
8 May 2006, Invited talk on mutual engagement, Human Communication Technologies Lab, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
25 November 2004, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Report: The "No One Opens Attachments Anymore" Paradigm. UsabilityNews.
29 July 2004, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Feature: Striking a Collaborative Chord. UsabilityNews.
26 May 2004, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Review: Legislation, Death and Music in the Blogs. UsabilityNews.
23 February 2004, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Review: Rounding up the Commentators. UsabilityNews.
2004, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2004). Striking a Collaborative Chord. Interfaces, No. 61, pp. 19-20.
25 October 2003, Cellphone software allows a musical jam. New Scientist.
13 February 2003, Bryan-Kinns, N. (2003). New Legal Requirements for Websites have Usability Implications. UsabilityNews.
27 January 2003, Bryan-Kinns, N. & Hamilton, F. (2003). Travels in Jutland with an Academic - Review of NordiCHI 2002. UsabilityNews.
2003, Bryan-Kinns, N., and Hamilton, F. (2003). Conference Report: NordiCHI 2002 - Notes from a small city. Interfaces, No. 54, pp. 8-10.
24 October 2003, Will jamming be the new texting? New Scientist.
23 May 2001, Imaginary phone lets you answer calls on your palm. New Scientist.
16 November 2021, Chinese Patent CN 214752913 U: New digital musical instrument Polyqin
29 January 2021, Chinese Patent CN 212434240 U: New digital musical instrument Digiqin
15 June 2021, Chinese Patent CN 213432959 U: New digital musical instrument Octoqin
These innovative commissions explore arts/ science collaborations and involve an artist collaborating with researchers from academia to explore and exploit their research in new ways. The pieces are then performed in public, toured, and reported widely (e.g. see New Scientist CultureLab, February 17, 2010). Academic articles are subsequently generated on the process and practice of arts/ science collaborations.
2024, Three artistic mini-projects on Responsible AI and Music, University of the Arts London, UK.
2011, Di Mainstone: Whimsichord. QMedia Artist in Residence, Queen Mary, University of London, UK.
2009, Di Mainstone: Serendiptichord, C4DM commission for ACM Creativity and Cognition 2009, Berkeley, USA.
2008, Sarah Nicholls: Tilly Automatic, C4DM commission for (re)Actor3, 2008, Liverpool, UK.